Meta Question

JLeslie's avatar

What were the first questions you asked on fluther?

Asked by JLeslie (65489points) April 2nd, 2023 from iPhone

I went all the way back to my first days on fluther. Here are the first Q’s I asked:

It was a pain to go all the way back, I think I could have just changed the page number of the web address and arrived at my first day much faster.

You don’t have to actually link your first Q’s, but do you remember what they were about?

I thought of this because I referenced an early Q of mine on a recent Q. It was interesting to look back at the different topics.

Did you come to fluther to ask a Q? I didn’t. I came here because Auggie kept asking me to. She felt strongly I would like it by what I used to write on Facebook.

Also, it’s happy and sad seeing answers from jellies no longer with us.

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20 Answers

jca2's avatar

I don’t remember my first question, which would have been in 2007, but I do remember what brought me to Fluther. I’ve told the story a few times over the years. My cats had fleas and I had fleas in the house, and my daughter was 12 weeks old. It was quite stressful. I was doing extensive research online to try to figure out how to get rid of the fleas. I was learning all about the life cycle of a flea, the gestation period of a flea, remedies to kill fleas, all sorts of stuff. When I was googling, on around the second page of whatever I searched for, I came to Fluther. I joined to respond to a thread about fleas and then shortly thereafter, I asked a question.

The site was so vibrantn during those early days. So many new people joining, all the time, and many lively discussions. Some discussions were humorous, for example the Yarn Pocalypse in the middle of the night. It was like a group of friends, even though all discussions weren’t always friendly.

Brian1946's avatar

Here’s the last page of my questions, which lists my first questions:

MrGrimm888's avatar

I googled, “what do spiders think about when they are just sitting in their web,” or something like that. I was routed to here.
I have always loved observing nature, and one of my favorite things to study, were the giant golden orb weavers in the spring and summer. Sadly. Something wiped them out. I can’t think of the last one I saw…

Blackwater_Park's avatar

My first answer was February 2010

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

The very first question I asked on Fluther was something about a 500-pound gorilla made completely out of Froot Loops. I don’t remember what I asked exactly, and it got modded. I can’t imagine why.

I came here after Answerbag imploded.

Acrylic's avatar

Believe it was asking about small, private colleges in the midwest.

kevbo1's avatar

I think these are my first two. I had to use Google because my old account is kaput.

In Google, type site: “asked by (username)”. When you get the results, go to the advanced features and pick your earliest year as your date range. The site started in 2007.

My all-time most serendipitous Q was this one:

I was one of the the early iPhone adopters, and there was a page (maybe on that recommended “web apps” (because Steve Jobs didn’t want apps on the phone at first) and Fluther was one of the web apps listed.

flutherother's avatar

I asked about a recently published biography, just to test the waters, and got some good answers so I stayed.

chyna's avatar

@kevbo1 You were here from the beginning!

NoMore's avatar

Don’t remember, and I have had so many incarnations in here. Always lock myself out then have to change my user name and get a throw away email addy to get back in. I only left in anger one time though. A Fluther freind of mine passed away and certain people started making allegations against the guy. Pissed me off because he wasn’t here to defend himself. So I said fug this and left for awhile . One of “male bonding” things I suppose. RIP pal.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Condolences for your friend.

I do see the same problem, again and again though. Jellies lose their password, and can’t find a way back in, without creating a new account. Is there nothing that can be done to address this issue?

NoMore's avatar

TY Raya!

kevbo1's avatar

@chyna, pretty well so! I remember now that it took me a while to ask a question.

JLoon's avatar

It was a stupid question.

But I got really thoughtful answers.

Creepy… o_0

Zaku's avatar

I’ve only asked five pages of questions, so it’s easy to get to the first ones:

My fifth question got 9 GA’s, and is still a favorite of mine, though it comes from a meta context from back then:

Cupcake's avatar

I asked about bat guano due to an infestation in my attic. That was a sweet memory (not the bats), thinking about getting ready for our wedding.

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